What’s up with the neighbors?

So, my neighbors – not the ones we are close friends with, the ones on the other side that we are cordial to in passing – are home safe and sound from some sort of mini-vacation that begun last Wednesday or Thursday and lasted until Monday.

I had worried about their welfare since the morning I heard them (or someone else sinister-like) packing up their family vehicle with stuff at an incredibly odd hour of the morning).

It was dark and I couldn’t see through the bushes well enough, but the dark shadows just didn’t look like Rupert and Jan. No one spoke as several trips back and forth from the house and to the car were made.

Then, the vehicle roared to life and it was gone. After daybreak, I noticed that the neighbor’s house looked forlorn. Quiet.  Jan’s car stayed parked  – not even in her usual spot – even after she normally left for work.

My mind struggled to recall details of what I had seen in the morning, something that might hint if they were making a trip together or if something more sinister had happened to them.

Brian said he was sure they had just gone away for a few days. I asked, “How do you know? Maybe someone invaded their home last night while they innocently slept and once startled, the culprits killed them and loaded up Rupert’s car with body parts and such.“

Brian accused me of a vivid imagination. I guess I’m watching too many ID (Identification Television) programs – ‘On the Case with Paula Zahn,’ ‘Dateline on ID’, and ‘Who the Bleep Did I Marry?’

So, I knew I was being silly, but just the same I kept my eyes and ears open for anything strange going on over there, half wondering if I’m not being too silly after all.

And, later, I purposely drove past their store in town, slowing down to read the sign – Be Back Tuesday.

Ok, so there it was. Rupert and Jan must just be on vacation!


Unless, the perpetrators stole the key to their business, robbed the place blind, and put a note on the door to throw authorities off.

So, I kept my eyes and ears open for a couple of days and this morning, very uneventfully, they came home from wherever it was they were.

This ever happen to you?





9 thoughts on “What’s up with the neighbors?

  1. What a hoot. I’m glad they were OK. I never really pay attention to what any of my neighbors are doing. That could be good but if something bad happened I’d never know. I did call the police once when the house across the street looked like someone was breaking in. They stayed by the front door a long time and were stooped down. Come to find out the neighbors were having their door painted.

  2. I was thinking along your lines. I didn ‘t want to read the ending, yet, I couldn’t wait to see what happened. Glad the neighbors were ok.

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