I lost my rhythm a few months back. I don’t know how it happened, why I lost it or where it went.
I want it back.
I’ve noticed life gets a helluva lot more difficult when I am out of my zone and uninspired. I lose my focus and momentum. My energy wanes and I avoid projects that require major brain work or major time, wandering instead to ANY distraction that keeps me from doing the things I should be doing. And, then I feel guilty that I am procrastinating. And, later, I feel overwhelmed because at the last minute, I am rushing around like a mad woman trying to meet deadlines. This ever happen to you?
So, the first thing I do is check the internet for ideas. And, whoa, there are a lot! I could spend all day reading about what to do instead of actually doing something, which is quite tempting in my current state, but, I know I won’t get my groove back by just reading about it. So, just give me a minute here to see what it says to do…
AND, a few hours later, I am still in front of the computer perusing articles, still not doing anything. Hmmmm. This might be harder than I thought.
So, I’ve decided to ask you. What do you do to get your groove back?