Crazy bird day

I planned to work quite a bit on my site today, but am not making a whole lot of progress. I’ve been working on this one enhancement (bloggers call it a plugin) since last night. As a matter of fact, I went to the support forum about an hour ago to get some help. So far, I have no replies, so I am sorta stuck.

I’m making it sound as if I’ve been sitting at the computer all day, and I have been here quite a bit.

But, everytime I’m ready to pull my hair out or gouge out my eye due to the kind of day I’m having, I go out to the sunroom for a smoke and I watch the birds in the back yard.

What a crazy bird day it is today. There are just hundreds of birds hanging around the feeders, zooming back and forth between the trees, chasing one another, chirping and vying for the top feeder spots. Cardinals, blue jays, mourning doves, purple finches, gold finches, chipping sparrows, orchard orioles…

AND, while all that activity is going on, the wild chickens that live in the neighborhood have been hanging out in my backyard today. There are about a dozen hens and a beautiful rooster, too. We call the rooster “Junior” because he looks just like his daddy, Floyd (short for P.B. Floyd [aka PRETTY Boy Floyd], because he was so beautiful).  My camera just doesn’t do him justice.Junior

AND, if that’s not enough, the neighborhood cats are acting a little crazy today. I can see Chaser on top of our neighbors bird bath, just waiting for a bird to come by.  And, Frankie saw a cardinal in one of my feeders and dashed up the pole, only to be disappointed that the bird flew away.

So, the day hasn’t been a total bust.

At 5 o’clock I’m cracking open a beer.


Getting the hang of it

I’m getting the hang of blogging … well, maybe a little. 

To the two friends and my daughter that have been following my blog since its inception a week ago, thanks!

You’ll notice I’ve made a few changes this morning that make my site a little more eye appealing. 

I ‘m spending a lot of time visiting other sites looking for ideas on design and layout.  Some of these sites are absolutely fantastic. They make mine look pretty lame, but that’s okay, dammit. Mine will get better.

One site I discovered is  Holly Burns, the author, has two cats, used to live in Charleston, doesn’t have kids, and writes pretty darn good.

I also like that she’s on the west coast and I’m on the east. And, that she’s young enough to be my daughter. And that she used the term “bonfire” in her site title.  And, that she might have a good recipe for bubble & squeak .

For the above reasons, I’ve added her to my blogroll. She’ll find out soon and maybe visit  my site to see what I’m all about.  I can’t even venture to guess what she’ll think. (Well, yes I can, and its not pretty.)

Two other sites have been a great help  in creating and designing this website, but please don’t hold it against them!




Welcome to my web blog.

Please excuse this site until I get the hang of this blogging thing!  I thought it would be easy, but I am discovering that I have much to learn.

I have spent quite a few hours over the last several weeks trying to create my own theme and improve the quality of my photos and insert fancy graphics only to discover that as long as I continue down this path, I am not publishing my website. And if it is not published, you can’t see it.

So, I am back to the basics – publishing “as is” for now, and hopefully, improving as time goes by.

I plan to write mostly about the joys and tribulations of living the “simple life”  in the Low Country of South Carolina. Good and bad, it is certainly an adventure.

Please visit often and let me know what you think.

