Three unique ways to bust some clutter


How to use that wasted space inside cabinet drawers and closet doors.

Staying organized is a top priority for me. I’m constantly looking for better ways to keep the clutter down around my house and, ergo make my life more stress free.

One could go as far as to say that I am obsessed about it. And, it’s true.

I think I became a clutter buster after we moved from a 4,500+ square foot house to our little country shack of 1,560 square feet. This move required a major overhaul of our possessions. We had to suck it in and decide what things were really important to us and then, chuck a whole lot of stuff. Ultimately, I found the whole exercise to be very spiritually cleansing. And, in finding clever ways to store everything that we really wanted, I discovered that I had a knack for it, too.

So, now of course, spring cleaning is well underway, and I am at it at a fever pitch! So much to do and so little time left before my sisters come to my house for this year’s Sister Vacation!

My latest organizing trend is utilizing the wasted space inside cabinet drawers and closet doors.

I freed up some kitchen drawer space by hanging the hot mitts on the inside of a cabinet door near the oven.

I’ve added several organizers to other kitchen cabinets to gain back drawer space. I’ve added this one for food wraps and I added another in the spice cabinet, and another under the sink, and another for plastic lids, well, you get the picture! Oh, and yes, that is  Charlie Kitty on the left of the photo, curiously nosying the action in the kitchen.

And, this is my favorite use of utilizing the space inside a door! I bought a hanging shoe organizer and hung it on the inside of my linen closet next to the bathroom. I was able to clear out a whole lot of bathroom stuff crammed in the far nether regions under the sink or stuffed into the drawers with this maneuver. The clear pockets let me see everything at a glance. And, I have a few spare pockets for future use.

How about one of these in the coat closet for hats, gloves, keys? Or, in the mudroom/laundry room for cleaning supplies? Or for your craft supplies or sewing supplies? OMG, the possibilities make my head spin!

So, there you have it, just a few simple ways to get more organized this spring!

Gosh, I had such fun writing this.  And, I’ve got lots more tips and tricks to share with you down the road.

On a side note, I discovered a little trick recently and am amazed that I never knew!

Did you know that most of your wraps come with these little push tabs on the side to keep your rolls secure in their packaging?



9 thoughts on “Three unique ways to bust some clutter

  1. OMG, I hate you. I must thank you for not mentioning my house clutter. But, I did clean up the back bedroom, closet, and my walk in closet. Oh my, what a difference. I just have the rest of the house to do.. Maybe sister reunion in PA who guys can help with my mess.

    • LOL! You don’t hate me. You love, love, love me!I was thinking how a hanging clear plastic shoe holder would do wonders for the inside of your bathroom closet door. You could put all kinds of miscellaneous stuff in there. And, one would be great on the outside of the door from your kitchen to the garage for Ken’s junky stuff, too!

      BTW,the thing you don’t mention is that you have the cleanest floors in western PA!

  2. What family did you come from? I’m completely unorganized and I don ‘t care! The thing that is most important to me is reading and I will do that whenever I have free time. I don’t know what I will do when I start losing my sight…

    And, I knew about the push tabs. That tip was from one of the many emails sent to me.

    I wish I would get motivated to do some “spring” cleaning…oh, well.

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