Pet Peeves

I’ve been thinking about pet peeves since last night after an incident at the grocery store yesterday.

I had stopped at the grocery store on my way home to pick up a few items. It had been a long day, actually the worst day of my cold.  When I came out of the store I had to move a shopping cart that some ignoramus had left too close to my car.

Boy, it really irks me when people do that.  Why must they leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot? Why can’t they respect our shared space? My gosh, it takes about a whole half a minute to put a cart where it belongs.

I have another shopping cart peeve, too, now that I think about it. This one occurs in the store. I hate when people abandon their grocery carts right in the middle of the aisle because they forgot something or just hog the aisle while they peruse the shelves.

Now I’m on a roll.

I also hate it when people say “irregardless.” Irregardless ain’t isn’t a word. Oh, wait. Yes, it is -just looked it up in Merriam Webster. Well, that just figures. Misuse a word long enough and it becomes acceptable. Drats!  Well, irregardless of it being a word now, regardless means the same thing and is the better choice as far as I’m concerned.

Oh, and here’s another one. I hate it when people use the restroom and don’t wash their hands. That’s just yucky. Period.

I hate it when I am behind a driver that leaves his turn signals on for miles.

I hate it when people use their cell phones in a way that interferes with whatever I’m doing, such as 1. while I’m behind someone in his car and he is distracted because he is on his phone  2. while I’m behind someone in the checkout line and he is ignoring the cashier because he is on his phone 3. while I’m behind someone at the drive-in window at the bank and he doesn’t move forward when he is done with his transaction because he is on his phone 4. while I’m trying to get in or out of any business establishment and the cell phone user is blocking the doorway because he is on his phone.

I hate it when people spit on the pavement. Eeww!

I hate it when people believe what they read in junk emails.

One of Brian’s pet peeves is when a car pulls out onto the road right in front of him and then drives about 15 miles per hour.

Tee hee.  This has been fun and kind of cathartic, too. 

What are some of your pet peeves? Share them here. This will be fun. 🙂


2 thoughts on “Pet Peeves

  1. Steve’s pet peeve is a meeting that should only last a few minutes that turns into several hours.

    I work in a doctor’s office and my pet peeve is when patients don’t have their insurance cards ready. They fumble around in wallets and purses and sometimes go back out to their cars because it just might have fallen between the seats. Come on…you knew you were coming to the doctor’s office today. BE PREPARED!

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