Indulging my creativity

It’s been a busy summer here – what with Sister Vacation and the vegetable garden and the preserving of plums, peaches and figs and the preserving of the garden harvest of tomatoes, peppers, green beans and corn and baking zucchini breads and eggplant parmesans and making pesto with the garden surplus to freeze or give away.

AND, out of 16 summer-ish weekends, I’ve entertained 10 additional weekenders. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love visitors! But, I want every single one of them to love where I live as much as I do, so I overly fret if they will eat well and have a wonderful time.

AND, then there’s the BIG outdoor projects – the bush whacking, hedge trimming, stump digging, chain-saw cutting, building plant shack endeavors– those super dirty, sweaty, back-breaking, knee-slamming, neck cracking jobs that have resulted in scratches, scrapes, bruises, achy muscles and poison ivy.

AND, of course, there’s the on-going job hunt, and creating my own web design/writing business. And, learning the quatrillion things that I don’t know about creating my own website design/writing business.

But, still, I find a bit of time here and there to indulge my creativity. I’ve made a ton of new and exciting foods using zucchini and eggplant and figs and plums. I’ve experimented with making yard art using all kinds of different media – concrete, old windows, rusty wire, window springs, twigs.

Indulging my creativity is good for my soul.

Today, you can see some new gourd art I’ve created since the last time I posted pictures.

What have you been up to?





Stained Glass
