Yeah, sometimes I wonder what I’m gonna do
cause there aint no cure for the summertime blues…
I finally figured out why I am currently in a state of discombobulation. My space-time continuum is out of whack!
Ever since I got home from the sister vacation, time is playing tricks on my well being and I can’t find my rhythm.
I get up every morning at my usual time and then, it starts. The coffee perks slower, Sam takes longer to go pee, I’m late getting into the shower and then, must rush to get to work, where time stands still, but yet, at day’s end I still have not gotten through my to-do list, only to get home to find there is no food in the house, dinner is served late, the gardening chores aren’t completed, the house is a wreck and it is way past my bedtime.
And so, it occurs to me that I’m suffering from the Summertime Blues. According to the song of the same name (first recorded in 1958 and remade by a number of artists since then), there ain’t no cure.
I wrote a post about the Dog Days of Summer a short time back ( In it, I talked about joyful childhood summer memories. But, that was then.
Now, my summer vegetable garden is dying. And, although there is still some produce to pick, the excitement of getting my first tomatoes is long, long gone. And, in order not to waste any of that produce, there is still a bit of canning to do, which is a lot of work for the meager end of season pickings. And, then there is the fall garden to prepare, while it is still a mere 90 degrees and humid outside.
Many of my perennials are struggling to stay healthy no matter how much effort I spend on them. Most of the annuals are spent. And, the 50 gazillion or so house plants that thrived in the spring outdoors are now drooping. And, the weeding chores, easy to keep up with earlier in the season, are now overwhelming.
Everything is in a funk.
Just a few more weeks to go…
If you want to see Eddie Cochran’s performance of this song on You Tube, click on the link below.