I’ve been working at getting myself out of my summertime funk and with the weather change things are looking up. My fall garden planting is well underway – turnips, radishes, spinach, lettuce, and onions, so far. I heard that one of the nearby hardware stores has gotten in some broccoli plants and I’m going today to see if I can get a few. I was disappointed to discover that it is difficult to find fall vegetable plants, and it is too late for me to start broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts from seed, which I so wanted to try my hand at this year. Lesson learned. Next year, I’ll start my own from seed in early August for transplant in mid-September.
We’re getting ready for bonfire season. Oyster roasts and bonfires. Woohoo! Brian worked the chainsaw and I worked on the woodpile on Sunday. We worked until it got too hot to do more and I am achy from our efforts. Since we usually start our bonfires in the late afternoon and keep them going late into the night, we probably have enough wood right now for about five or six good fires.
I’ve also begun to prepare the house for the day I have to bring all of my houseplants indoors for the winter. This takes massive preparation on my part, as I have so many plants that must come into a very small house that is not only home to Brian and me, but also home to three cats and Sam Dog. Basically, I pack up stuff to store for the winter to make room for the plants and Brian builds all the makeshift shelving. He hates loves this project!
I’ve been taking pictures of butterflies. I’m not doing a great job at this as these beautiful insects don’t want to pose for pictures! But, they do seem to be much more abundant this year. This is good sign as butterflies are very sensitive to the environment and thus, good indicators in assessing how healthy or unhealthy our living conditions are. And, of course, they are just absolutely delightful to watch.
If you live in the south, please don’t forget to keep you hummingbird feeders filled! Most of these tiny beauties have left their northern homes and are on their way to Mexico for the winter. They need lots of fuel for their grueling trip across the Gulf. Depending on our weather, we may need to continue feeding into early October.
So, that’s what I’ve been up to recently. What have you been doing?