A left-handed exercise

A friend of mine has just started a group on Facebook about journaling.

I joined the group because journaling is something I did for awhile, but quit when I started my blog. I enjoy journaling and plan to take it up again, but, more on that later.

In the meantime, I have gotten several really great ideas from the folks in this little group.

So, today, I am going to write with my left hand. Although, I am somewhat ambidextrous – I often eat with my left hand, always shoot pool with my left hand,sometimes toss a Frisbee with my left hand and always deal cards left-handed – I do most everything else right-handed.

Forcing myself to write left-handed has been very interesting! It’s hard to do! It requires an intense level of concentration. During my first attempts, I was reminded how learning to make letters with a pencil when I was a tot was very difficult. And, how every day, in school, we practiced. And, how eventually, some of us got better at it.

I’m certain I’ve read articles claiming that doing an everyday mundane task differently than the norm is great exercise for the brain.

Below are some samples of my left-handed writing:


Looks pretty good, me thinks!

I don’t know any Jacobs, nor do I have a child in school, I was just practicing!

Wow! I feel smarter already!


13 thoughts on “A left-handed exercise

  1. Your last statement about using your left hand is a great exercise for the brain. At least 5 years ago I started to brush my teeth with my left hand so as to reroute circuits in my brain. I don’t know if it has changed my brain or not but I can’t use my right hand to brush my teeth! I also bought a coloring book and crayons and started to color with my left hand. Of course, I’ve only colored two pages but it was interesting to see how “nice” my pictures turned out. If I ever have a stroke, I will have to relearn how to use my right hand….unless it affects my right brain, then I’m good. Huh…

  2. I think you did pretty good. I, of course had to try it as well and did not do as well as I hoped. I would have replied to you in left handed cursive but don’t know how to post it to you. Good luck with your journaling. I might start one too but I think I’ll do that with my right hand.

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